The Company shall define personal information as the information identifying a certain individual by one item or a combination of two or more items of such information, including name, date of birth, sex, phone number, email address, place of employment, assets, and content of request.
The Company shall use the information provided by the customers only when such cases can be justified or appropriate to implement the contractual obligations for the customers, or provide better products or services.
The Company shall not disclose or provide personal information provided by the customers to any third party other than any of the cases below:
The Company shall implement appropriate security measures to protect the customers’ personal information from leakage, loss, alteration, etc.
The Company shall comply with laws, acts or regulations applying to the personal information kept by the Company.
The Company shall regularly review the Company’s basic policy, the privacy policy, laws and regulations, code of conduct and changes in business environment, etc., to revise it continuously for improvement as necessary.
For inquiries about the Company’s handling of personal information, please contact here.
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